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South Ward Small Business Initiative

A Small Business Capacity Building Program Powered by the Institute for Entrepreneurial Leadership

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Get the help you need to grow

and succeed in the South Ward

Five (5) winners will each receive

$10,000* + capacity building support resources

*Grant award provided by Greater Newark LISC

Who Should Apply

Businesses located within the Bergen Lyons Clinton Special Improvement District defined as:

  • Bergen Street from Lyons Avenue to Clinton Avenue and is bisected by I-78

  • Clinton Avenue from Bergen St to 18th Street

  • Lyons Avenue from Bergen St. to the Irvington border

We are looking for existing businesses in the Bergen Lyons Clinton Special Improvement District who are ready to go to the next level. Our goal is to help selected small business owners increase their capacity for growth through utilization of volunteer business mentors and student interns. These human capital resources will be organized into teams; each team will work with a business owner to address at least one primary barrier to sustainability and growth. 

Registration closed May 15, 2019.

Apply for the BLCSID Small Business Initiative

What You Get

Connect with Networks of Influence

Develop a Community of Support

Strengthen Your Business Foundation

Increase Your Readiness to Access Capital

Click Here to Apply

How It Works

Complete the application by May 15, 2019

20 semi-finalists will be selected to get access to receive 3 hours of business consulting

10 finalists will be selected to pitch

5 winners will receive $10,000* and business building resources

If you are serious about success, apply to join
the BLCSID Small Business Initiative.  
 Don't miss this opportunity! Apply by May 15, 2019. 

*Grant award provided by Greater Newark LISC

Got it! I'm ready to apply.

About the Bergen-Lyons-Clinton SID

The Bergen-Lyons-Clinton Special Improvement District (BLCSID) is a business and community development partnership. Established by municipal ordinance in 2013, and the BLCSID Partnership, Inc. became 501c3 non-profit corporation in 2015 to help the area compete, improve and sustain commercial viability in the South Ward.  Our area of focus is  "U' shape and addresses the three main corridors in the South Ward - Bergen Street from Lyons Avenue to Clinton Avenue and is bisected by I-78; Clinton Avenue from Bergen St to 18th Street; and Lyons Avenue from Bergen St. to the Irvington border.

The mission of the BLCSID is to enhance and sustain the South Ward as a first choice destination to invest, live, shop, work, play, worship, and access quality health care.

Contact: Ronice Bruce, Executive Director | | | 973-851-3496

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